

Accidentally Phenomenal Green Soup

3 large handfuls baby arugula 1 small tomato 1 stalk celery 1/2 cup water 1 Tbls. lemon juice Seasonings to taste: Lemon pepper, Italian herbs, garlic powder, lemon pepper 1/2 avocado Blend veggies, water, lemon juice, and seasonings until well blended. Add 1/2 avocado, cut into 2 or 3 pieces, and blend until just mixed […]

Veg in a Non-Veg World

My friend Mark Mathew Braunstein (he’s also this week’s radio guest), a vegan activist and author from way back, sent me a vintage bumper sticker that reads “Love Animals, Don’t Eat Them.” Since I’m a bumperless Manhattanite, I stuck it on my laptop and it elicits comments from people who see it in the coffee […]

Paradise Health in Midlife & Beyond

I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good. I woke up not long ago thinking, “This is the craziest thing: fifty is history and I feel sensational.” I knew it was what the eccentric health advocate, Arnold Ehret, 100 years ago called “Paradise Health.” I had it: physically and emotionally. I’ve been on […]

Radio promises

On yesterday’s radio show we promised to post some info here, and it is: To learn more about our guest, Ruby Roth, go to her site, www.veganislove.com To read Adair’s blog post about crows, go to www.harlemfarm.blogspot.com The folks doing the vegan podcast from London during the Olympics can be found at http://theVeganOption.org/ The Recipe of […]


According to a 2011 Harris poll, 5% of Americans are vegetarian, and half of those are vegan. 16% of Americans eat vegetarian “more than half the time.” Between 2000 and 2010, US beef consumption dropped by 59 pounds per person, pork consumption by 47 pounds per person. States with the most vegetarian eateries per capita […]

Burritos from Rip Esselstyn

This recipe is one of many hearty, yummy, low-fat, all-natural dishes in The Engine 2 Diet, by Rip  Esselstyn. I’ve had such fun discovering the book, meeting its author, and having him as a guest on my last show on HealthyLife.net Radio. It all started when I wandered into Stogo, a vegan ice cream parlor […]

Q & A on Life & Health with Victoria

Someone sent me these questions a while back for their blog. I thought you might like seeing my answers, but more importantly, answering the questions for yourself. I learned a few things about myself doing this. – VM Do you have a general life philosophy that helps you balance your life and spirit? What is […]

Chef John’s Almost Rum Balls

I was just at the Regency Health Spa in Hallandale Beach, Florida, for the annual conference of the National Health Association and Chef John Nowakowski (he contributed “Chef John’s Spa Smoothie” to Main Street Vegan) made the yummiest, super-easy “Almost Rum Balls” in a food prep demo that I wanted to share with you. (Hint: it says 1 Tbls. […]

Enliven Your Diet

I’m currently at the beautiful, seaside Regency Health Resort and Spa in Hallandale Beach, Florida, where I’m a speaker for the National Health Association‘s annual conference. When I arrived on Friday in the mid-afternoon, having had some carry-on food on the plane, but nothing really enlivening, I checked out the Regency’s dining area and found […]

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