

The Somewhat Good Old Days

My daughter, Adair, was doing some background work earlier this week and sent me this photo entitled, “Me in the 1950s.” I was shocked at how much the picture looked like one of my mother when she was young, taken in the actual decade. I wrote that back to Adair, along with: “I’m glad we’re […]

Dine Like a Yogi

When I started yoga as a teenager, it was not offered at every health club and YWCA like it is now. In fact, it seemed very foreign. Suspect. People confused it with yogurt and both were just weird.Things have changed and you’d be hard-pressed to find a health-conscious person who hasn’t at least tried a […]

Chef Mark Reinfeld’s Currant Scones

This is the special recipe that acquainted me with Chef Mark Reinfeld, guest on today’s Main Street Vegan show on Unity Online Radio.   Currant Scones © 2012 Mark Reinfeld from 30-Minute Vegan’s Taste of Europe Da Capo Press, all rights reserved The sun never sets on Britain’s culinary empire. Originating in Scotland in the […]

Stay Well This Fall

Master Lee was my son-in-law Nick’s first Tae Kwon Do instructor. After not catching any colds or bugs or whatever for fifteen years, he shared with his students what he did: Eat spicy food every day Wash your hands frequently, especially after shaking hands (and don’t shake hands if you don’t have to) Take daily […]

Creamy Greeny Beany Soup recipe

Here is the recipe we promised on today’s episode of the Main Street Vegan radio show on unity.fm. Enjoy!   Oil or broth to sauté 1/2 cup chopped onion 2 cloves garlic 1 bunch kale (steamed) 1 sixteen-ounce can chickpeas 4 cups vegetable broth 2 tomatoes (diced) 2 teaspoons curry powder 2 tablespoons lemon juice […]

My Beef with the Locavores

The ally relationship can be an odd one. I remember my shock in third grade, learning that The Soviets had been our ally in World War II. “How could this be?” I wondered. “Our arch-enemies, the reason we have to crawl under our desks and prepare for The Bomb, were once our friends?” I’m having […]

9 Cancer-Fighting Food Groups

These helpful groupings come from Eat to Beat Cancer: A Research Scientist Explains How You and Your Family Can Avoid Up to 90% of All Cancers, by J. Robert Hatherill. This is one of my favorite books: clear, to-the-point, and easy to follow. Eat these foods every day. Feel good. Onion group – onion, garlic, asparagus, leek, […]

Great Recipes from Ellen Jones & Patti Breitman

Here are some great recipes from Ellen Jones’ Eat Vegan on $4 a day & Patti Breitman’s How to Eat like a Vegetarian , today’s radio guests on Unity.fm Portobello Poor Boy Sandwich, ©Eat Vegan on $4 a day For more from Ellen Jones visit: vegcoach.com 2 large Portobello mushrooms, stemmed ¼ cup balsamic vinegar 2 to 4 […]

Vegan Chic

We’ve come a long way towards overcoming the grass-and-granola image long held about a plant-based diet, and we’re now making inroads into that citadel of self-interest: the world of fashion. Thank goodness! I adore clothes. I was brought up this way. My grandmother told me: “The Bible says your body is a temple and you’re […]

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