

My Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes: Installment #3

Stuffed Acorn Squash from How to Eat Like a Vegetarian Even If You Never Want to Be One (c) 2008 Patti Breitman and Carol J. Adams A great Thanksgiving dish! 4 small acorn squash (no more than one pound each) Oil For the stuffing: 2 Tbls. olive oil 1 cup onions, finely chopped 2 cps mushrooms, […]

My Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes – Installment #3

Easy Apple-Pear Crisp with Walnuts from Sweet and Easy Vegan: Treats Made with Whole Grains and Natural Sweeteners (c) 2012 Robin Asbell Everybody needs a fallback dessert. This crisp is a perfect one to keep in mind. As long as you have apples and pears on hand, you can whip them together with some pantry staples […]

My Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes: Installment #2

5-Minute Cranberry Relish from Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight (c) 2011 Chef AJ (Abbie Jaye) Why cook your relish or use sugar when you can make this instead? Ingredients: 12-ounce bag of fresh cranberries 2 large peeled oranges (zest included) Dates, to taste 2 Tbls. psyllium husk Method: In a food […]

My Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes: Installment #1

For the next week, Nov. 14 through 21, I’ll be posting one delicious, easy, and trustworthy vegan Thanksgiving recipes my family and I enjoy year after year. Green Bean Casserole from Ten Talents, (c) Rosalie Hurd and Dr. Frank Hurd www.tentalents.net  Ten Talents has been the staple recipe book in my vegan kitchen from my pre-vegan vegetarian […]

50 Best Pinterest Boards for Student Vegetarians

A guest blog from www.onlinedegrees.org Although more and more schools offer dining options for students adhering to vegetarian and vegan diets (as in, dining options beyond “salad bar”), navigating a new environment with food restrictions still proves occasionally headache-inducing. But making snacks and meals at home means sticking with the lifestyle and resisting temptations to […]

An Island in the Storm

Just a quick post as New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut dig out of SuperStorm Sandy. Our family and homes are fine. William and I, as well as Adair and Nick, live in Harlem, Uptown Manhattan. The island gets higher as you go Uptown, plus we’re reasonably inland. As a result, we saw virtually no […]

Food and Soul

We’ve all heard that eating “keeps body and soul together.” Evidence now suggests that our spiritual lives impact our relationship with food, and that the foods we eat can affect our spiritual sensibilities. The ancient seers who developed yoga may have been the world’s first nutritionists. They looked for a diet that could contribute to […]

Guest Blog from Robin Asbell

Robin Asbell is a masterful recipe creator and the author of books including Big Vegan and the brand new Sweet and Easy Vegan: Treats Made with Whole Grains and Natural Sweeteners. Her website is www.robinasbell.com. It’s an honor to be writing this guest blog for Victoria. You see, I feel a certain kinship with Victoria, beyond the fact […]

Web Log: Veg and the City

It’s a Wednesday night in New York City. I’m in a circa 1920s hotel on the East Side, near the UN. Our apartment flooded — the A/C in the unit upstairs “ruptured” — and we have to have our floors and ceilings replaced. The insurance company has put us in this hotel, and I’m trying […]

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