
Become a Certified Vegan Coach

Main Street Vegan Academy: The Premier Training & Certification Program for Vegan Coaches, Educators & Entrepreneurs

Autumn 2024
September 7, 8, 28, 29, October 12, 13, & November 2, 2024

Main Street Vegan Academy is in a class all its own. Since its founding in 2012 by noted author and vegan pioneer Victoria Moran, we have gathered top luminaries of the vegan and plant-based worlds to present on their specific area of expertise. In a dynamic, live, interactive Zoom program, you are trained in vegan principles, communication principles, and businesses principles by people who are at the top of their game in each of these areas.

Upon completion of this program, you are fully prepared to practice as a Vegan Lifestyle Coach or to educate others on vegan living. In addition, with the VLCE certification, you are a recognized expert on veganism and vegan living, whether you decide to channel this into an entrepreneurial venture, a job with a plant-based company or vegan organization, or outreach as a writer, speaker, social media influencer, or highly effective activist.

Click here for details about our professional vegan education course and its  presenters, registration, and the accomplishments of some of our graduates. You can also schedule an info call with a member of our staff. We hope to welcome you as a member of the upcoming cohort.

As Featured In




Lianna Levine Reisner, VLCE

New York

"Less than a year after I went plant-based for health, I signed up for MSVA to deepen my understanding of the totality of the Vegan experience, concerns, and lifestyle. The Academy was just right, from the topics covered by expert presenters, to the friendships made. I am so grateful for the grounding Victoria provided me, which helped me shape and hone the direction of the grassroots movement I'm building."


Colin Easom, VLCE


"I absolutely loved taking this fun -- and extremely comprehensive -- live Zoom course. Despite being vegan for eleven years, I learned so much more than I could have hoped and I use that knowledge every day in my Vegan business. Connecting with amazing classmates and instructors was awesome and they continue to inspire me every day."


Cris Comer, VLCE


"Becoming a VLCE through Main Street Vegan Academy is a life-changing experience. It gave me the time and space to gain new information, relate it to my own worldview, and connect on a heart-felt level with others in the class. I left with a renewed interest in animal rights activism, a deeper commitment to outreach within my community, and several lifelong friendships.  I wholeheartedly endorse MSVA."

Angela Crawford

Angela Crawford, Ph.D., MVLCE

Vestal, NY

"In addition to learning from top Vegan leaders, I made amazing friends and connections during the training and in subsequent alumni events. These continue to provide support, practical guidance, and inspiration for my work as a Vegan psychologist, author and educator. I highly recommend MSVA for anyone who wants to strengthen their skills, knowledge, and impact as a Vegan advocate, educator, coach or entrepreneur."

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See all of Victoria's books here.

Victoria Moran is a force of nature. At 14, with credentials from a teen magazine, she attended her first Beatles press conference. She's been surprising herself ever since.

Victoria went Vegan in 1983; overcame a binge-eating disorder; in 1985 wrote Compassion the Ultimate Ethic, the first book about Vegan philosophy and practice to come from an actual publisher; raised a Vegan daughter (aerialist and stunt performer, Adair Moran); wrote 12 additional books and has another on the way; and appeared twice on Oprah.

Her books including Main Street Vegan, Creating a Charmed Life, Shelter for the Spirit, and The Love-Powered Diet have been praised by Neal Barnard, MD, Ellen Degeneres, musician Moby, filmmaker Michael Moore, Dean Ornish, MD, Marianne Williamson, and former President Bill Clinton.

She was voted Peta's Sexiest Vegan Over 50 in 2016, and was lead producer of the 2019 documentary, A Prayer for Compassion, about spirituality and food choices. She hosts the award-winning Main Street Vegan Podcast and the Main Street Vegan Salon on UnchainedTV.

She is a 2024 inductee into the Vegan Hall of Fame.

As Featured In


Hear What Our Graduates Have to Say About MSVA

Latest Blog Posts from Main Street Vegan Academy Graduates and Faculty

5 Keys to Thriving Emotionally as a Vegan, by Angela Crawford, Ph.D., MVLCE

posted July 23, 2024 Shifting to a vegan lifestyle is one of the most empowering decisions we can make. Choosing to leave animals off our plates—and eating life-nourishing plant foods—can bring inner peace, purpose, vitality, and health transformation. And yet, even as we strive to live compassionately and healthfully, we may face emotional challenges along […]

Cracking the Whole Grain Code, by Mary Clifford Brewer, MSN, MBA, RDN, RN, VLCE

posted July 16, 2024 The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015-2020) recommends that at least half of our grain intake be whole grains. So, if you always choose the bread with “100% Whole Grains” in the name, you’re accomplished that mission, right? Not so fast. If you think your choice must be healthy because […]

Boosting Bone Health—The Vegan Way, by Anna Pelzer, VLCE

posted July 9, 2024 As we age, osteoporosis poses a threat to our bones. We start to lose bone in our mid-40s, but it’s never too late to improve your bone health, and a whole foods vegan diet has many benefits. Living Bones Bone is living tissue that is constantly changing—broken down and replaced or […]

Main Street Vegan Academy Mission Statement

Our mission is to encourage the adoption and maintenance of a positive vegan lifestyle and a health-promoting diet, geared to the needs and preferences of the individual, for the purpose of creating a just world for all beings and protecting this planet.

Main Street Vegan Academy Governing Principles

    • Ahimsa, the yogic precept of nonkilling, nonviolence, non-harming, and reverence for life is the reason for the existence of Main Street Vegan Academy.
    • We celebrate diversity and inclusiveness in MSVA and in the Vegan movement, and we welcome as students all qualified Vegans, irrespective of race, nationality, social status, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation/identity, age, or body size.
    • We respect the commitment of all colleagues in the animal protection world, and leave to individual conscience the choice to take a stand only for abolition or for incremental welfare initiatives as we work toward a Vegan world.
    • We acknowledge all reasonable styles of plant-based eating and applaud the contributions of all Vegan experts, and their vegetarian predecessors, to the development and evolution of health-supporting, plant-exclusive nutrition.
    • Individual graduates and faculty are free to espouse and promote any "brand" of Veganism, support other causes, and pursue other interests; the Academy itself has as its sole purpose to provide Vegan education and to support our graduates in their endeavors.

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