

5 Keys to Thriving Emotionally as a Vegan, by Angela Crawford, Ph.D., MVLCE

posted July 23, 2024 Shifting to a vegan lifestyle is one of the most empowering decisions we can make. Choosing to leave animals off our plates—and eating life-nourishing plant foods—can bring inner peace, purpose, vitality, and health transformation. And yet, even as we strive to live compassionately and healthfully, we may face emotional challenges along […]

Cracking the Whole Grain Code, by Mary Clifford Brewer, MSN, MBA, RDN, RN, VLCE

posted July 16, 2024 The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015-2020) recommends that at least half of our grain intake be whole grains. So, if you always choose the bread with “100% Whole Grains” in the name, you’re accomplished that mission, right? Not so fast. If you think your choice must be healthy because […]

Boosting Bone Health—The Vegan Way, by Anna Pelzer, VLCE

posted July 9, 2024 As we age, osteoporosis poses a threat to our bones. We start to lose bone in our mid-40s, but it’s never too late to improve your bone health, and a whole foods vegan diet has many benefits. Living Bones Bone is living tissue that is constantly changing—broken down and replaced or […]

10 Tips for Dining Out and Staying on Track, by Marty Davey, MS, RD, CDN, VLCE

posted July 2, 2024 Starting a healthy diet can be challenging when dining out. On the other hand, you’ll find that many restaurants accommodate your new eating style. I recommend limiting how often you eat out. Keep it to special occasions and focus on consuming fresh foods from the grocery store, farmer’s market, or your […]

Plant-Based Prep, Simplified, by Diana Goldman, VLCE

posted June 25, 2024 Plant-based cuisine has a reputation for being labor intensive. Consider, for example, the process of transforming an onion, a pepper, some chickpeas, and hearts of palm into these Crab Cakes. It requires a decent amount of peeling, slicing, dicing, and chopping. There are ways to simplify and make this plant-based cooking […]

Convincing Others to Go Vegan: A Compassionate Approach, by Colin Easom, VLCE

posted June 18, 2024 Curious about convincing your friends and family about the incredible benefits of veganism? It’s no secret that veganism has gained significant momentum in recent years due to mounting evidence of its positive impact on personal health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. However, merely presenting facts and figures is not enough to […]

My Experience Seeing a Vegan Doctor at Love.Life Telehealth, by Cherie Hans, MVLCE

posted June 11, 2024 I live in New Jersey but could not find any Vegan physicians. It was exasperating going from provider to provider trying to find someone who didn’t think I needed to eat fish or that what I am doing is ridiculous. I finally found an in-person provider who understood and respected my Vegan […]

Age Like a Yogi — first ever excerpt from the upcoming book by Victoria Moran

posted June 4, 2024 During the pandemic, I took Yoga Teacher Training, and then Raja Yoga Teacher Training, via Zoom. I’d been doing yoga 52 years by then, but I’d never been in one place long enough to take one of those lengthy trainings. They connected me to the decades I’d spent around ahimsa and […]

Exploring the Intersection of Farmed Animal Sanctuaries and the Vegan Movement, by Kelly Nix, VLCE

posted May 28, 2024 Farmed animal sanctuaries have emerged as critical havens for animals rescued from the agricultural industry. They provide a safe space for these sentient beings to live out their natural lives and as educational platforms for advocating animal rights and promoting veganism. At the intersection of farmed animal sanctuaries and the vegan […]

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