

Looking Ahead to a Cool September Webcam Event

I’m pleased to announce that I will be hosting a live book talk on Shindig, a new customized video chat space for live events. We will be connected globally via webcam online, and can interact and participate in a live talk about all things vegan. You can socialize with other participants, or watch and listen. The event will be […]

Guest Post: Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone, by Dianne Wenz, VLC, HHC, AADP

In college I studied art and design, and I worked for quite a long time as a graphic designer. Over the years I found myself becoming more and more disenchanted with office culture, and I reached a point where I realized it was time for a career change. I discovered The Institute for Integrative Nutrition […]

Coming Up on Main Street Vegan Radio

We have some very exciting guests scheduled for upcoming Main Street Vegan shows on Unity.FM, also downloadable from iTunes. If you’re able to listen live at noon Pacific, 1 Mountain, 2 Central, or 3 Eastern time every Wednesday, you can call in with your questions and comments (or just have nice chat with you favorite […]

The Making of a Vegan Lifestyle Coach

This is a guest blog from Rhonda Jones, VLC, a graduate of the first Main Street Vegan Academy course, who lives in Dallas, Texas. If you’d like to contact Rhonda about her services, her email is [email protected]. After being in the Vegan cocoon for two weeks this summer [the Main Street Vegan Academy course, followed by […]

The Accidental Activist

I suppose I am one: an activist—for animals and a vegan lifestyle. I hear that word, however, and look around to see if someone is indeed referring to me. I don’t have the activist temperament. I like listening to divergent points of view and hearing people out. I like getting along. I even like being […]

July 11th Goings-on . . .

. . . Our  radio guest today was Will Tuttle, Ph.D., author of The World Peace Diet — check it out at Unity.FM or download from iTunes.  Will is also co-host of the exciting Veganpalooza, starting today. This is an info-and-inspiration-packed 5-day  teleseminar featuring veg luminaries including Kathy Freston, T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., Mercy for Animals founder Nathan Runkle, […]

Victoria’s Vegan Acronym

V – Validate your choice by learning all you can. E – Enjoy the adventure: have fun with this; we’re lucky to know about it! G – Get to know other vegans, thru conferences, MeetUps, making online friends. A – Add more than you subtract: new foods, new dishes, new activities, new places to shop — Going veg […]

The Vibrant Vegan Life of an Obesity Survivor

I am an obesity survivor. I spent the first 30 years of my life either bingeing or dieting; each of those states was sufficiently unpleasant that I’d revert to the other out of desperation. I was not uneducated about food and nutrition. I had, after all, been trying to “fix” myself since childhood. It’s just […]

The Joy of Speaking

These are notes from my presentation, “Public Speaking for Activists & Educators” given at Vegetarian Summerfest, June 28, 2012. I do a more detailed version of this class for the Main Street Vegan Academy intensives. Enjoy giving your talks: people want to love you!  (c) 2012 Victoria Moran, HHC, AADP Presentation Skills Be lively and energetic. […]

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