
Why Eat Organic Food? – The Top Reasons, a guest blog by Benji Rogers, RN

Organic foods are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Despite the fact that they are slightly more expensive than ordinary food, they are deemed by health experts as a much healthier diet alternative. But are organic foods really that healthy? Is it worth the expense of paying a few dollars more and losing the sumptuous flavors of processed and artificially flavored meals? It’s understandable that anyone would ask these questions, but allow me to convince you. Here are the top reasons why you should start serving organic food on your next family meal.

Orgganic care of the land, combined with preventive farming practices such as crop rotation produce fruits and vegetables that comprise up to 50% more nutrients than intensively farmed produce. Inspiring natural and organic farming and gardening techniques will enable organic soil to reconstruct itself, and contribute vitamins and minerals for both future crops and consumers. Organic foods also have higher amounts of antioxidants and essential nutrients, like Vitamin C.

Allergies & Diseases
Commercial pesticides and fertilizers applied to crops contain artificial and harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, farms do not exert the necessary effort to completely remove these chemicals during harvesting, hence leaving residue on the produce. If residue is consumed, allergies and diseases may emerge. Eating organic food is a great way to reduce and prevent these health complications. Organic farms use only natural, chemical-free practices and products to care for crops and animals. This yields much safer produce for consumers, as well as the animals that eat them.

Genetically modified organisms or ingredients are, at present, still unproven as being unhealthy, but there’s really no way to know whether they will have negative consequences until we see the true results of eating so much of them. Organic food has never been genetically engineered or tampered with, and if you only consume these products, you can rest assured that you will have a much lower chance of suffering the consequences that may arise in decades to come from eating such bad foods.

Healthier Environment
The benefits of organic food and organic farming surmise the consumer’s own health and well-being. Organic food is much safer for the world. The practices employed in organic farming operations safeguard and preserve the structure and nutritional value of land over time. Organic farming strategies also conserve invaluable natural resources, since they need less water and energy. The elimination of toxic, artificial chemicals also help save wildlife, by preserving the land and natural habitat that birds and other wild animals require to survive.Switching to an organic diet and encouraging your family and friends to do so as well can greatly contribute to the welfare of both the consumer and environment. If more people resort to organic foods and industrial facilities switch to organic farming practices, it not only improves the way humans and animals live, but also preserve the entire planet and its valuable resources.
Benji Rogers is a nurse who writes about nutrition, health & the best accelerated nursing programs.




1 thought on “Why Eat Organic Food? – The Top Reasons, a guest blog by Benji Rogers, RN”

  1. You don’t have to convince me. We switched to an organic diet three years ago and wish we had decades before. It’s absolutely disgusting when you learn the truth about what you are eating. That’s why I started making most meals from scratch… that way I can control (as best as I can) what is going into my body and my family’s body.

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