
MSV Podcast May 8, 2019 Dogs Go Veg!

Listen and download the Main Street Vegan Podcast on Unity Online Radio, or listen and subscribe on Stitcher or  Apple Podcasts.

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Wild Earth Chief Veterinary officer Dr. Ernie Ward has spent his entire career practicing, writing about, teaching, and encouraging better care for animals to earn the title of “America’s Pet Advocate.” He is so passionate about proper nutrition, he founded the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention and wrote the book Chow Hounds: Why Our Dogs Are Getting Fatter. He was the resident veterinarian for the “Rachael Ray Show” for many years and some of you may also know him as “that vet who locked himself in a hot car” to prove how dangerous it is for our pets.

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Dr. Ernie Ward, “America’s Pet Advocate” is an internationally recognized veterinarian. He is known his innovations in general small animal practice, nutrition and pet obesity, and advocating for the special needs of senior dogs and cats. Dr. Ward is the Chief Veterinary Officer for Wild Earth a plant-based sustainable pet food company, and the Executive Director of Education for Vertical Vet. He is the founder of Seaside Animal Care, a National Practice of Excellence Award-winning small animal veterinary clinic and DogGone Healthy, a practice dedicated to nutritional, behavioral and integrative care.

Dr. Ward has authored three books, including “Chow Hounds: Why Our Dogs Are Getting Fatter” and has two additional books to be published in 2019. He has been featured in more than 100 practice management and peer-reviewed medical journal articles. Dr. Ward has been a frequent guest on numerous television programs and served as the resident veterinarian for the “Rachel Ray Show” for over seven years.

Dr. Ward established the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention in 2005 and is a founding member of several professional organizations. He was awarded the Speaker of the Year award for both the North American Veterinary Conference (now VMX) and Western Veterinary Conference (WVC) and has spoken at every major North American veterinary conference as well as in Europe, South America, Russia and Asia, and has been a guest lecturer at most U.S. veterinary schools. He is a 1992 graduate of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. You can find Dr. Ward on his popular YouTube Channel, Off Label Veterinary News, and he is creator and producer of one of the most downloaded veterinary podcasts, Veterinary Viewfinder, tackling the toughest contemporary topics in veterinary medicine.

Website: wildearth.com
Twitter: @wildearthpets and @DrErnieWard
Facebook: WildEarthPets
YouTube: DrErnieWard

Quote from Dr. Ward, on why veterinarians and the rest of us need to be seeing the worth of all animals:

“The dog is man’s best friend. The cat is a close second. Everybody else is a distance 3rd the 1 millionth.”

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A native New Yorker, Amanda Rolat is an attorney who has held senior positions at the Center for Appellate Litigation and the Law Offices of Joel B. Rudin. A longtime animal rescuer and advocate, Amanda is also passionate about health and wellness, particularly the causal link between food and degenerative diseases. That is why she started Tails Up – which began in her very own kitchen – because she believes that food is the best preventative medicine, for humans and dogs!

Website: tailsuppets.com
Facebook: Tails Up

Quotes from Amanda Rolat:

“If the U.S. pet population was ranked as its own country, it would be #5 for meat consumption.”

“People worry about soy and it’s true that some dogs are allergic to those proteins, but the leading allergens for dogs and beef and dairy.”

“The pet food industry tends after the human food industry, not necessarily because that’s what’s better for pets.”

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Blast from the past! ~ If you’re a dog person, you’ll also want to listen to my interview with legendary veterinarian Dr. Richard Pitcairn, and his wife, Susan Pitcairn, a noted artist and the creator of human-enticing canine recipes for the discerning vegan canine.

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A shoutout to our sponsor, ComplementDeveloped by vegan dietitian Dr. Pamela Fergusson, and the NoMeat Athlete, Matt Frazier, Complement enables you to get your vitamin B12, vitamin D3, and the essential Omega 3 fatty acids (DHA & EPA) in an easy once-a-day spray. The good folks at Complement also have Complement Plus, a vegan vitamin capsule that includes all the nutrients in Complement spray, along with zinc, iodine, selenium,  magnesium,and vitamin K2. Essential for blood clotting, healthy bones, and heart health, the only plant-food source of vitamin K2 is natto, an obscure, fermented soy food and one that is definitely an acquired taste (and smell). Click here for more info and $10 off use discount code MAINSTREETVEGAN+

3 thoughts on “MSV Podcast May 8, 2019 Dogs Go Veg!”

  1. I loved this episode! I feed my pug vegan dog food. Once a clerk asked me if I fed my dog vegan food because she had allergies. I said no, it’s because she cares deeply about the environment. (:

    1. Thank you, Maryann. I’m sure your dog DOES care about the environment. What a great answer! And thanks for listening. It means so much.

  2. I loved this episode! I feed my pug vegan dog food. Once a clerk asked me if I fed my dog vegan food because she had allergies. I said no, it’s because she cares deeply about the environment. (:

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