

The Elements of My Charmed Life

 My bestselling book (so far) is Creating a Charmed Life. It’s not new anymore – it was actually published in 1999: another millennium! – but I feel it was a gift, a book that came more through me than from me. Since I wrote that book, and a tenth anniversary sequel, Living a Charmed Life, people […]

Giving and Goodness and Animals and Us

Main Street Vegan Academy graduate Ilse Singer wrote this to me this morning. It made my day. I worked to get the spacing right and can’t devote any more time to that (fantasy: assistant…full-time…from my keyboard to God’s ears…), but you get the gist. This is so moving. I wanted to share this with you, […]

One Writer’s Retreat: Final Day

I’m glad I did this. I’ve learned that if I ever feel the need for a vacation, I can take one in Chinatown and save the airfare and time zone changes. I’ve learned that, as a writer, I need stimulation. Since having a dog, I’ve tried to write more at home and less at Starbucks. […]

One Writer’s Retreat: Third Day

Things picked up. It started with that podcast yesterday morning, and the living energy of the raw food I bought at Juice Plus. Then I reached out to actual humans. Writing is a solitary pursuit, but I’m an extrovert. That’s why I often write at Starbucks — and I’ve gotten flack for it. When I […]

One Writer’s Retreat: Second Day

Well, I’m reporting on the second day from the third morning. I didn’t write last night because I didn’t have the heart, or the energy. Chinatown is fun and I’m having a nice little vacation-with-dog. They’re easygoing about dogs around here and people don’t seem to mind having Forbes in their stores, so the environmental […]

One Writer’s Retreat: First Day

  There are lots of difficult jobs. It’s easy to get tired, bored, frustrated, overwhelmed, and burned out. Only in writing, however, does one get “blocked.” Nobody ever says “I’ve got dental block,” or “table-waiting block,” but writers get it a lot. It’s like stage fright or, I guess you’d say, page fright. I’ve written […]

A New and Compassionate Thanksgiving Tradition (no, it’s not too early!)

A guest blog by artist Cheryl P. Miller Every vegan/vegetarian I know struggles with the Thanksgiving holiday and its traditional meal. While many holidays recognized in the U.S. have some sort of animal-based food associated with the celebration, none seems more focused on the dinner menu than Thanksgiving. With the focal point of the meal […]

The Life-Changing Effects of a High-Raw, Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Diet

I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good. I woke up not long ago thinking, “This is the craziest thing: I’m well past 50 and I feel sensational.” I knew it was what the eccentric health advocate, Arnold Ehret, 100 years ago called “Paradise Health.” I had it: physically and emotionally. I’ve been […]

2nd Printing & Good Cornbread

The second printing of Main Street Vegan is hot off the presses, with some revisions. The main changes are to update the cosmetics/toiletries chapter and brand recommendations in the Appendices to reflect those companies that have gone back to animal testing in order to sell in the Chinese market. In addition, the cornbread recipe I put in […]

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