
How to Look Great & Feel Amazing at Any Age!

Try these 18 tips for looking great (and feeling 18!) all your life!

1. See yourself as the star of your life every day of your life.

2. Stand up straight: you’ll look slimmer and feel more in command of any situation.

3. Make your first drink of the day hot water with an ample squeeze of fresh lemon.

4. Eat breakfast: it’s one of the habits centenarians have in common.

5. Half the time, do dry skin brushing before your bath or shower (brushes are sold at natural food stores).

6. The other half, precede bathing with abdyanga, self-massage with warm sesame oil.

7. Treat yourself to a professional massage every 21 days to keep your immunity up to par. Massage schools have bargain prices. If you live in a city served by Groupon.com, they often have low-cost massage offers , as well.

8. Invert yourself with a yoga headstand or shoulderstand or by lying on a slantboard .

9. Use creative sun protection: a hat, gloves, barrier (i.e., zinc oxide) sunblock properly applied, and avoiding the midday sun. Be sure you get sufficient vitamin D. Your doctor can test your levels and tell you how much you need to supplement. Until very recently, vitamin D3, the most effective form, was not available in a form suitable for vegans who avoid wool (the only D3 on the market was derived from lanolin). That’s changed with the introduction into marketplace of  Vitashine, a potent and easily absorbable vitamin D supplement derived from lichen.

10. Buy yourself a juicer that’s powerful and easy to clean. I’m a fan of the Juice Fountain Plus by Breville — it’s under $150. Fresh vegetable juice, especially green juice, is an infusion of vitality.

11. Stay hydrated (think: dewy); keep a pitcher of water on the counter, a bottle in your bag, and hot water easily accessible.

12. If you wear makeup, get a lesson every year or so—and remember to lighten up with some concealer just inside your eyes.

13. Get your brows shaped: it can be like a nonsurgical eye lift.

14. Exercise four to six days a week and include weight training at least two days every week, upper and lower body.

15. Adopt a companion animal: you’ll be saving a life, and people with nonhuman family members live longer.

16. Have role models, women you know or have heard of who’ve grown older with elegance, grace, and style.

17. Whether you’re turning 30 or 80, see maturing as a gift to appreciate. And let yourself grow older the way you want to do it.

18. Live for something bigger than you are. Explore your spiritual nature.

The Ageless Acronym: M-E-N-D

  • Meditate
  • Exercise
  • Nourish your body and spirit
  • Detox your body and life

For more tips on staying youthful all your life, check out my book, Younger by the Day — Thanks, Victoria

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