
Are You One in a Million? by Cindy Thompson, MVLCE

posted February 8, 2022

Image credit: Wedidit.health

Something big is happening in the plant-based world and I want to invite you to be involved!

  • Have you seen health improvements or other benefits while transitioning to or following a plant-based lifestyle?
  • Have you ever wondered about the opportunities that might be available if more people in the world became aware of this lifestyle?

Introducing WeDidIt.Health—a movement dedicated to spreading the word about the power of plant-based solutions for our health and so much more, both at a grassroots level, as well as empowering plant-based professionals.

The objective is to drive local and global awareness that over a million people are benefitting with better health by embracing a plant-based lifestyle. What better way than a scoreboard which tracks results co-created by all of us!



If you answered yes to any of the questions above:

  • Watch the scoreboard tick away as your contribution helps reach the collective vision of one million people reporting the benefits received from a plant-based lifestyle.
  • Ignite a chain reaction and share this post to at least 1 more friend (or as many as you can manage) who you know has benefited/believes in a plant-based lifestyle and invite them to do the same. Simply click on the share icons at the top and end of this post to share to your social media!

You are one in a million!

Your voice counts and YOU make a difference!

Image credit: Wedidit.health

Together, we can make this happen.


P.S.  You can send even more love and stay updated with the latest developments from https://wedidit.health/ by liking and following them on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeDIDIt.Health

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weDIDit.health/



Photo by Darcie Elliott Photography

Cindy Thompson is a retired fire captain and paramedic and Main Street Vegan Academy Master Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator who dramatically improved her health and fitness through plant-based nutrition, losing 60 pounds and becoming an adult-onset athlete. She started a second career with her company, Trimazing Health & Lifestyle Coaching, outside of Seattle, to help people just like you reach their health and wellness goals, incorporating zero-waste and sustainable practices throughout her programs.

Cindy is certified Health Coach, Fit2Thrive Firefighter Fitness Coach, Food for Life Instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Harvard Medical School Culinary Coach, and Founding Ambassador of Wedidit.health. Find her on Facebook and follow on Instagram @TrimazingVLC.


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