
MSV Podcast & Show Notes August 12, 2020 Milton Mills, MD + Homo Ahimsa

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Milton Mills, MD is a critical care physician in the Washington DC area, and has served previously as Associate Director of Preventive Medicine and as a member of the National Advisory Board, for Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). He was also featured in the documentary “What the Health,” in the film “The Invisible Vegan” and also in the upcoming film “They’re Trying To Kill Us.” Dr. Mills examines the relationships between diet and immune functionality. He notes that the scientific research literature shows plant-based diets as supporting better overall immune system function, and during work with HIV-positive and AIDS patients at clinics, he’s observed that those who go vegetarian seem to improve, with increased energy and higher T-cell counts.

Facebook: @milton.r.mills

Judy Carman, MA, is the author of Homo Ahimsa: Who We Really Are and How We’re Going to Save the World; Peace to All Beings: Veggie Soup for the Chicken’s Soul: recipient of the Henry Spira Grassroots Animal Activist Award and founder of the Animal Peace Prayer Flag Project. She is co-founder of Animal Outreach of Kansas, Worldwide Prayer Circle for Animals, Interfaith Vegan Coalition and assists with Vegan Spirituality events.


Blast from the past! ~ Judy Carman was on the show in 2016 with her previous book, Peace to All Beings; and Dr. Mills’ appearance just this spring focused on building up our immunity.

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A shoutout to our sponsor, ComplementDeveloped by vegan dietitian Dr. Pamela Fergusson, and the NoMeat Athlete, Matt Frazier, Complement enables you to get your vitamin B12, vitamin D3, and the essential Omega 3 fatty acids (DHA & EPA) in an easy once-a-day spray. The good folks at Complement also have Complement Plus, a vegan vitamin capsule that includes all the nutrients in Complement spray, along with zinc, iodine, selenium,  magnesium,and vitamin K2. Essential for blood clotting, healthy bones, and heart health, the only plant-food source of vitamin K2 is natto, an obscure, fermented soy food and one that is definitely an acquired taste (and smell). Click here for more info and $10 off use discount code MAINSTREETVEGAN+


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