
Golden Age Politics for a Peaceful Thriving World, by Kathy Divine

Just over a year ago I watched in dismay as another Australian government who doesn’t care about the environment nor animals got elected. Instead of complaining, I decided to try and do something positive to re-brand politics, in order to get more people engaged in the process and inspire more ethical people to go into politics as a career choice. The politics we have now is dominated by men. Let’s change that. It’s also heavily influenced by big corporate donations. That needs changing too. What started out as random scribbled notes eventually became six chapters and a book that, according to the reviews, is inspirational and full of hope for a better world.

“If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me,” is something I’ve heard one of my business coaches say, and it really resonates with me. In Golden Age Politics I applied it to leadership to say that if we want to see better leaders in governments, we need to elect better and we need a better candidate pool to be able to elect from. This book is a big callout to vegans, and in particular vegan women and others with sensitivity and compassionate, peace-promoting qualities, to be the leaders we most urgently need right now. This is the same message I’ve weaved into my other books Plant-Powered Women and Plant-Powered Men and the Plant-Powered Women Leadership Conferences held in Australia in 2018. Once we develop vegan values and our innate compassion arises within us, we can use all of that beautiful energy to work for the betterment of humanity, animals and the planet. It’s a natural progression and a wonderful process to undergo. During the coaching sessions I conduct for first-time authors, the learning and the personal development that occurs for the newbie authors goes far beyond writing and publishing their books. It’s about growing into the public figure they were destined to be.

As I mention in Golden Age Politics, I sincerely believe that politics can become a high form of spiritual service. Members of governments have tremendous power, and when that power is within the hands of the ethical and the sincere, there’s no stopping the great benefits such people can bring to the nation they guide. It’s incredible when you stop and think about it. Reflect for a moment on what it would be like if such outstanding individuals were at the helm in the country you reside in. Wouldn’t it be the most comforting and inspiring feeling to have intelligent, ethical people gently and wisely governing on your behalf? The possibilities are infinite. Not to mention these ethical leaders of all nations coming together to assist each other. Wowsers, that would be world peace right there, no problem.

This is all truly possible. We just need to start to see the vision and start taking action towards manifesting it. Golden Age Politics is your support and your inspiration to show you how it is totally doable. 

To conclude, I’ve selected snippets from the book, quoting two of the vegan leaders who have contributed towards this project. I’ll start with Maneka Gandhi, a vegan politician in India. This is her advice for anyone wanting to work out how they can contribute something beneficial to the world:

Decide what your issues are and what difference you can reasonably make with the time and energy you have available. What are your skills? Who else can you get involved? What effect do you want to have?

Here is some advice from Clifton Roberts, the 2020 US Presidential candidate for the Humane Party:

Run for local, state, or federal office. You have nothing to lose but to lose. If you lose, try until you win—you have everything to gain by being the political voice of animals and being immortalized on the right side of history books. Furthermore, learn about the elected officials who represent you. What are the personal and business interests of your representatives? Will this person represent your interest to the extent that animal rights, the environment, and free speech is involved?


Kathy Divine is the author of six books, founder of the magazine Australian Vegans Journal and the Plant-Powered Women Leadership Conference Series, mentor to first-time authors, a qualified dog massage therapist and an aspiring animal naturopath. The concept of ethical vegan leadership as the solution to world peace inspires and drives her work, and she uses publishing as a way to broadcast this vision into the world. Kathy did a speech at the Inaugural World Vegan Day lunch in 2017 at Parliament House Canberra, Australia about vegan women in leadership.

Golden Age Politics is available now for pre-order on Amazon Kindle. It will be released on paperback and available from major online bookstores including Amazon from September 21st, 2020.

2 thoughts on “Golden Age Politics for a Peaceful Thriving World, by Kathy Divine”

  1. This is very inspiring, and has me considering what I could bring to my own province, which has a government that sounds an awful lot like yours.

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